Yangzhou Baotian precision mould Co., Ltd.

Yangzhou Baotian precision mould Co., Ltd.

Yangzhou Baotian precision mould Co., Ltd.


We have rich experience in the design, development and manufacture of high-precision monochrome, two-color and three color toothbrush mold

Baotian Mould

Injection mould

Toothbrush mould丨 Daily necessities mould丨 Industrial brush mold丨 Other injection mold


Baotian mould

Injection mould products

Toothbrush products 丨 others



We have rich experience in the design, development and manufacture of high-precision monochrome, two-color and three color toothbrush mold

Welcome to Baotian mould

Yangzhou Baotian Precision Mould Co., LTD. was established in Yangzhou, Jiangsu province in 1998. We have extensive experience in the design, development and manufacture of high precision monochrome, dual color and three-color toothbrush molds. At present, the company develops monochrome, double color, three color toothbrush mould technology content is high, the application is widespread, the quality is stable, the production efficiency is high, deeply domestic and foreign customers love. 

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Company news

19 2021-04
Nano toothbrush manufacturers introduce the role of two-color molds in modern industry
Two-color molds can help companies quickly produce products For enterprise staff, when operating machinery and equipment, they must have an understanding of the corresponding operating steps. Only when the corresponding operating steps are mastered, the corresponding operations can be performed to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. , And at the same time bring out the efficiency of the equipment better. Especially in recent years, companies need to use two-color molds when processing and manufacturing, especially some mechanical processing companies, through the use of molds, they can quickly manufacture the products they need. However, many companies choose to use two-color molds during processing and production, mainly because the molds are relatively simple during operation. Specific operation steps of two-color mold    Of course, for the operator, when operating the two-color mold, it is also necessary to understand the corresponding operation steps. First, before operating the two-color mold, you need to understand the corresponding sequence. The mold is mainly divided into two parts, one is the feed port, and the other is the feed port. Second, after putting the two-color mold production raw materials into the pipe a, the pipe is processed into a single product, and then the single product is processed accordingly, and finally the mold that people want is obtained. Third, when the two-color mold is processed, the corresponding color can be added according to the needs of the manufacturer, and the mold can be rotated 360 degrees. Master the principles and parameters of two-color molds However, when operating the two-color mold, in addition to mastering the corresponding operating steps, it is also necessary to understand and master the related working principles and the technical parameters of the mold, which will help the maintenance and treatment of the two-color mold in the future. , To ensure that the mold is in order. [The above content is organized and released by the toothbrush mold for you]
19 2021-04
Precautions for the selection of two-color molds
Why do two-color molds are common tools    For some mechanical engineering, mold is very important, it is also an important tool in the production process of some products. For some manufacturers, the two-color mold is a universal tool, so what is its role? What role does it play in the production process? In fact, no matter which mold, its role is to copy the effect. When in use, it is necessary to use two-color molds in conjunction with some injection molding machines, so that it can enter the production process. If you don't understand it, it is also very troublesome. Parameter requirements of two-color mold The injection parameters of two-color molds are also required. Some color standards are different, so there are differences in parameter settings. In order to ensure that the two models are different or distinguished, we must pay attention to adjusting the parameters. To achieve this goal, of course, some molds need to achieve a certain similarity between the two models before and after, so the requirements for two-color molds are different, and there are different standards when choosing, no matter what the situation is, for some production instruments , Also pay attention to the distinction, so as to choose a suitable two-color mold. Problems to be paid attention to when choosing two-color molds In the process of choosing a two-color mold, there are many issues to pay attention to. The first is the type of product. Two-color abrasives have different specifications, sizes, and appearances. It is not an independent two-color mold, but it needs to be on the same machine. It is produced, so the process is more complicated, it takes a lot of time, and the labor input is high. Therefore, the requirements for production equipment are also very high during production. Therefore, it is best to refer to the production process when selecting two-color molds. What is found, and then targeted selection. [The above content is organized and released by the nano toothbrush manufacturer]
19 2021-04
The role of mold industry in economic development
In recent years, the status of the mold industry in the domestic economy has become more and more important, and even the level of mold production technology has become an important indicator of the level of a country's product manufacturing level.    After my country formally joined the WTO on December 11, 2001, it has had a great impact on the development of the mold industry. At present, domestic mold companies are starting to analyze the industry itself and related industries that have a large demand for molds, and specifically study the countermeasures that should be taken to accelerate the development of the industry. As we all know, mold is the basic process equipment of my country's industrial production, so accelerating the development of my country's mold industry will inevitably become the focus and key to my country's economic development.   In electronics, automobiles, motors, electrical appliances, instruments, meters, home appliances and other daily-use products, there are 60%-80% of parts and components, which require a large number of molds to be formed. Moreover, the high precision, high complexity, high consistency, high productivity and low consumption performance of parts produced by molds are unmatched by other traditional domestic processing and manufacturing processes and methods. If there is no integrated circuit design and manufacturing in the high-tech field, it is impossible to successfully make the precision progressive die of the lead frame and the precision integrated circuit plastic packaging mold; without the precision plastic mold and the precision stamping mold, the computer cannot be made. In the same way, the development of digital electronic products year by year does not work without precision molds.    Therefore, it can be said that the mold industry is not only an important part of the high-tech industry, but also an important field.    More than two decades ago, many people regarded the machinery industry as a general processing industry. The Central Economic Work Conference held in November 1998 clearly proposed to increase the development of the equipment industry and promote the localization of key equipment. Dividing the machinery industry into the equipment industry and strictly distinguishing it from the general processing industry at that time is a repositioning of the machinery industry's position and role in the domestic economy. Mould is the basic technological equipment of my country's industrial production, and it must occupy an extremely important position in the equipment industry, so that a large part of the equipment required by various industrial sectors of the domestic economy is made by molds.   The mold industry must also adjust and improve the development progress of the five pillar industries of the domestic economy: machinery, electronics, automobiles, petrochemicals, and construction. Generally, machinery, electronics, and automobile industries need to use a large number of molds, and the most used ones are cover molds in large cars and electronic products.   Precision plastic molds and stamping molds. According to statistics, my country's petrochemical industry produces more than 5 million tons of polyethylene, polypropylene and other synthetic resins a year, most of which require the use of plastic molds to form finished products before they can be used for people's daily production and consumption. In the production of floor tiles, wall tiles and sanitary ware used in the construction industry, a large number of ceramic molds are required; the production of plastic pipe fittings and plastic steel doors and windows also requires a large number of plastic molds to form.   The mold industry can be called a "benefit amplifier". The value of the final product produced by the mold is often dozens of times or even hundreds of times higher than the value of the mold itself, making the level of mold design and production technology, to a large extent, determine the quality of the final product, market efficiency and Spike the competitiveness of other products. [The above content is organized and released by the nano toothbrush manufacturer]
19 2021-04
Introduction to common problems of plastic abrasive tools
It mainly includes a female mold with a variable cavity composed of a female mold combination substrate, a female mold component and a female mold combination card plate, and a male mold combination substrate, a male mold component, a male mold combination card, a cavity cutting component and A punch with a variable core composed of side-cut composite plates.   In order to improve the function of plastics, various auxiliary materials, such as fillers, plasticizers, lubricants, stabilizers, colorants, etc., must be added to the polymer to become a plastic with good functions.    1. Synthetic resin is the most important component of plastics, and its content in plastics is generally 40% to 100%. Because the content is large, and the nature of the resin often determines the nature of the plastic, people often regard the resin as a synonym for plastic. For example, confuse polyvinyl chloride resin with polyvinyl chloride plastics, and phenolic resins with phenolic plastics. In fact, resin and plastic are two different concepts. Resin is an unprocessed raw polymer. It is not only used to make plastics, but also as a material for coatings, adhesives, and synthetic fibers. In addition to a very small part of plastics that contain 100% resin, most plastics need to participate in other substances in addition to the primary component resin. 2. Filler Filler, also known as filler, can improve the strength and heat resistance of plastics, and reduce costs. For example, the participation of wood powder in the phenolic resin can greatly reduce the cost, making the phenolic plastic one of the cheap plastics, and at the same time it can significantly improve the mechanical strength. Fillers can be divided into two types: organic fillers and inorganic fillers, the former such as wood flour, rags, paper and various fabric fibers, and the latter such as glass fiber, diatomaceous earth, asbestos, carbon black and so on.   3. Plasticizers Plasticizers can increase the plasticity and flexibility of plastics, reduce brittleness, and make plastics easier to process and shape. Plasticizers are generally high-boiling organic compounds that are miscible with resin, non-toxic, odorless, stable to light and heat, and phthalate esters are commonly used. For example, when producing polyvinyl chloride plastics, if more plasticizers are used, soft polyvinyl chloride plastics can be obtained. If no or less plasticizers are added (amount <10%), hard polyvinyl chloride plastics can be obtained. .   4. In order to prevent the synthetic resin from being differentiated and damaged by light and heat during processing and use, and to prolong the service life, it is necessary to participate in the stabilizer in the plasticizer. Commonly used are stearate, epoxy resin and so on.    5. Colorants Colorants can make plastics have various beautiful and beautiful colors. Commonly used organic dyes and inorganic pigments as colorants.   6. ​​Lubricant The role of lubricant is to prevent the plastic from sticking to the metal mold during molding, and at the same time, it can make the appearance of the plastic lubricious and beautiful. Commonly used lubricants include stearic acid and its calcium and magnesium salts. In addition to the above additives, Suchaizhong can also participate in flame retardants, foaming agents, antistatic agents, etc.    1. Don't just focus on product planning and ignore plastic mold manufacturing.    When some users develop products or trial production of new products, they often only focus on product R&D and development at the initial stage, neglecting communication with plastic mold manufacturers. After the product planning plan is confirmed, there are two advantages to early contact with mold manufacturers:   1. It can ensure that the planned product has a good forming process and will not modify the finalization plan due to the difficulty of processing the parts.   2. Only mold manufacturers can make planning preparations in advance to avoid ill-consideration in a hurry, which affects the construction period.   3. To manufacture high-quality plastic molds, only the supplier and the demander need to cooperate closely to reduce costs and shorten the cycle after all.    2. Don't just look at the price, but consider the quality, cycle, and service in all aspects.    1. There are many types of molds, which can be roughly divided into ten categories. According to different requirements of parts materials, physical and chemical functions, mechanical strength, dimensional accuracy, surface finish, service life, economic efficiency, etc., different types of mold forming are selected.   2. Molds with high precision requirements need to be processed by high-precision CNC machine tools, and mold materials and forming processes have strict requirements, and CAD / CAE / CAM mold skills are required to plan and analyze.   3. Because some parts have special requirements during molding, the mold needs to use advanced technology


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Yangzhou Baotian precision mould Co., Ltd was established in1998,after20years of development, we have accumulated rich experience in RE development and manufacturing